Arts Resources

Cedar City Arts Council posts event updates on our Facebook page for Cedar City Arts Council and on Instagram and Twitter at @CedarCityArts.

We are looking for a volunteer to maintain a Google Calendar of local events. If interested please contact us at If you have a Google account, you can incorporate this calendar into your own.

Cedar City Arts Council  Google Calendar of local events. If you have a Google account, you can incorporate this calendar into your own.

Click the plus sign (“+”) in the bottom, right-hand corner of the frame to add this calendar to your own Google Calendar(s).

Additionally, below are several calendars that will assist in keeping you up-to-date with events in Cedar City and Iron County, Utah. We officially endorse the use of NowPlayingUtah and the Cedar City – Brian Head Tourism Bureau. Both groups provide essential support to the Cedar City Arts Council. In addition we have a weekly column in the Iron County Today. You can submit arts articles to them at

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NowPlayingUtah is the one-stop source for arts and cultural events, performances, exhibitions, sports, and recreation throughout Utah. The mission of NowPlayingUtah is to build audience participation in the arts and cultural community of Utah by encouraging collaborative strategies and providing a comprehensive online resource for events, venues, and artists statewide. NowPlayingUtah is an initiative of the Utah Arts & Cultural Coalition (UACC). Development is guided by our Board of Directors, our staff and the greater Utah arts and cultural community. Our partners include constituents, recipients, and members of the Utah Arts Council, Salt Lake County Zoo Arts & Parks Program, and Visit Salt Lake.

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The Cedar City • Brian Head Tourism Bureau maintains its own helpful events calendar. The Cedar City • Brian Head Tourism Bureau and Iron County Visitor Center is located at 581 N. Main,
Cedar City, UT 84721. They can be reached by phone at (435) 586-5124 or (800) 354-4849. Their hours of operation are: Mon-Fri. 8:30 a.m. — 5 p.m., Saturday 9 a.m. — 5 p.m., Sunday 9 a.m. – 1 p.m.

Regional events calendar at