July 26 Social and Art Walk

July 26:  Final Friday Art Walk

By Shaylene Baruffi-Jensen

CEDAR CITY, UT: July 26th is the Cedar City Arts Council’s second Final Friday Art Walk of the season. This Art Walk will feature multiple brilliant performing artists, including; Sofie Scaletta, Kaitlin Sevy, Melissa Palmer, Bill & Loretta Westbrook and Stan & Lindsay Szczesny. July’s Final Friday Art Walk of the season will be a fun filled event for the entire family!

The Final Friday Art Walks feature various art forms; live jazz, contemporary and classical music, and art demonstrations. The Cedar City Arts Council invites you to the Final Friday Art Walks on; July 26th, August 30th, and September 27th from 5 to 7:30 p.m. The Final Friday Art Walks are free events and the exhibits are open throughout the summer. Everyone is encouraged to attend!

The second Final Friday Art Walk will be on July 26th from 5 to 7:30 p.m. and it will feature various artists. There will be artist demonstrations from the Sagebrush Fiber Artisans Guild on the lawn at 100 West and Center, including displays by Andrew Baruffi, Larry Laskowski, Hanna Dawson, Cab Creations, Lydia Brescia, Carole Foster and Sunshine Pearl Dives Jewelry. Performances will be presented throughout the evening in designated locations.

The Southern Utah Museum of Art, Art Works Gallery and Artisans Gallery will be hosting artist exhibits in harmony with these Final Friday Art Walks and presenting musical performances. Kaitlin Sevy will be performing at SUMA. Sofie Scaletta will perform from 5 to 7:30 pm at ArtWorks gallery. Artisans Gallery will host Bill & Loretta Westbrook. Stone Path will host Melissa Palmer and Stan & Lindsay Szczesny. More information is soon to come, stay tuned! Come hang out with us after the Art Walk too, the Cedar City Arts Council’s Summer Social will take place at 7:30 p.m. at the Southern Utah Music of Art with mini-grant presentations and refreshments.  This public social is also free and sponsored by the Cedar City Arts Council.

For updates about featured artists and musicians visit the Cedar City Art Walk page at https://www.facebook.com/Cedar-City-Art-Walk-488202448044670.  Remember to save the dates for the later Final Friday Art Walks! Celebrate our city’s arts and culture this summer by bringing your family and friends to the Art Walk; we hope to see you there!

 Social at 7:30 at SUMA

Join the Cedar City Arts Council for their July Social. Celebrate the Arts!

By  Shaylene Baruffi-Jensen

CEDAR CITY, UT: The Cedar City Arts Council sponsors networking socials for the community three times a year to assist the public in becoming familiar with some of the artists that live here in Iron County.  The Cedar City Arts Council’s next free public social will be Friday, July 26, at 7:30 p.m. in the large classroom at The Southern Utah Museum of Art (SUMA). These events are meant to showcase and celebrate some of the artists who have received mini-grants from the Council.  Our objective is to provide live music, art displays, and exciting details on the use that the recipients have made of their awarded funds.

Our Summer Social will be packed with entertainment provided by Women of Will Theatre, music by guitarist Jake Parkinson, and a look at the “Art of Wool”.

Women of Will theatre is “an organization dedicated to providing honest theatre by women, for all, by balancing opportunities, taking risks, and providing quality work.” Women of Will was founded in 2017 by Samae Allred, Britannia Howe, Kaitlin Mills, and Alexana Stavros. The group’s initial production was of Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar, it was a very successful production and they continued in 2018 with Pericles. This October of 2019, Women of Will’s all-women production of Comedy of Errors will take the stage. Be sure to keep a lookout for more information as October draws closer. Women of Will will present a scene from Pericles at The Cedar City Arts Council’s Summer Social.

Music will be performed by Jake Parkinson. He will perform some of his original guitar pieces, including one of his audiences’ favorites. Jake Parkinson is a singer/songwriter from St. George, Utah. Most of his musical experience was fostered through various choirs, and musicals throughout his childhood where he developed a passion for all types of music. He enjoys blending different genres into acoustic stylings and exploring emotion in art.

Additionally, Shelley Schneider, will present her “Art of Wool” fiber art work. Shelley has been interested in the fiber arts: wet-felting and needle-felting for a while. She wanted to know more about these “lost arts.”  Shelley Schnieder states, “Art is very important to me as a mother who wants to educate my children well, but also help them to express themselves in good and beautiful ways. And this opportunity has been a beautiful experience of integrating both learning and creating…as families and a community”.  Schnieder used her grant funds to purchase tools in order to practice this craft with a dedicated group of crafters and to teach community classes.

Refreshments will be provided by Chartwells.  The Cedar City Arts Council’s second Final Friday Art Walk is at 5pm on July 26th. Head over and celebrate more art with us at our Summer Social in the SUMA Classroom after the art walk!




Final Friday Art Walks are here again!

June 28th is the Cedar City Arts Council’s first Final Friday Art Walk of the season. This Art Walk will feature multiple performing artists, including: Washburn Family Band, Cedar Mountain Duo, Southern Utah Handbell Choir, Jay Jackson, Bill & Loretta Westbrook, Adam Kadmon, Sofie Scaletta and Late-Night Brass. The first Final Friday Art Walk of the season will be a fun filled event for the entire family.

The Cedar City Arts Council invites you to the Final Friday Art Walks on; June 28th, July 26th,August 30th,and September 27thfrom 5 to 8 p.m. with live music, art demonstrations, and exhibits. The Final Friday Art Walks are free events and the exhibits are open throughout the summer. Everyone is encouraged to attend!

The first Final Friday Art Walk features diverse artists. There will be artist demonstrations and exhibits from the Sagebrush Fiber Artisans Guild on the lawn at 100 West and Center, including displays by Andrew Baruffi, Steven Dunn, Larry Laskowski, Hanna Dawson, Cab Creations, Lydia Brescia, The Southern Utah Space Foundation and Sunshine Pearl Dives Jewelry. Performances will be presented throughout the evening in designated locations.

The Southern Utah Museum of Art, Art Works Gallery and Artisans Gallery will be hosting artist exhibits in harmony with these Final Friday Art Walks and presenting musical performances. The Cedar Mountain Duo and The Southern Utah Handbell Choir will be performing at SUMA with Megan Nelson painting on site. Sofie Scaletta will perform at ArtWorks gallery and Red Acre Farm will have farm made goodies available. Natalie Young’s “almost rural” photographs are exhibited Artisans Gallery will host Bill & Loretta Westbrook and Adam Kadmon. Late Night Brass will be between IG Winery and Park Place on Center Street with the Washburn Family Band near the artists at the corner of 100 West Center.  Joey Favino will be doing art demonstrations at Stone Path with Jay Jackson providing music.

A new feature for June 28 is a free Historic Downtown Walking Tour at 7:30 pm. Meet at the corner of Center and Main Street next to the Boomer’s building. The tour will be led by local historian, Ryan Paul. All are welcome and pictures and questions are encouraged. For more information contact Ryan Paul at Frontier Homestead State Park.

For updates about featured artists and musicians visit the Cedar City Art Walk page at https://www.facebook.com/Cedar-City-Art-Walk-488202448044670.  Remember to save the dates for the later Final Friday Art Walks! Celebrate our city’s arts and culture this summer by bringing your family and friends to the Art Walk; we hope to see you there!


Mini-grants due Feb. 28

Artist Mini-Grant Applications are due on February 28th, 2019.By: Shaylene Baruffi-Jensen

CEDAR CITY, UTAH:  The Cedar City Arts Council encourages individual artists and arts organizations to apply for the Artists’ Mini-Grants Awards due February 28th, 2019.  The grant application and more information is available at: http://www.cedarcityartscouncil.org/support/quick-grants/.

Past projects have included funding for; an easel for a local artist, financial support for musical instrument, music for a children’s choir, Poetry publication fees, registration for an art teacher’s art workshop, money to help non-RAP groups pay for a venue rental, promotion expenses, and many more wonderful projects. The Cedar City Arts Council works to promote and support local art and artists and arts organizations.

Mini-grant funds may be used for multiple purposes. Past awards have been used to purchase supplies or equipment and rent displays or performance venues. Funding may be applied to support mileage or registration costs to attend educational conferences or training sessions, purchase promotional advertising, or other needs as revealed in the grant application. Our goal is to broaden our cultural landscape through unusual, unique, and innovative ideas, events, and projects. We appreciate ideas that have a positive connection to the community and a demonstrable benefit for the Cedar City/Iron County public.

It is beneficial to include samples of previous work with the application. The Cedar City Arts Council Grants Committee reviews the applications and is pleased to offer several grants every cycle. Members of the Cedar City Arts Council help fund this project with their memberships to increase the artist offerings of our area. Membership information is available at: http://www.cedarcityartscouncil.org/support/membership/. We now provide the opportunity to become a sustaining mini-grant sponsor. We offer five different levels of sponsorship that range anywhere from a one-time giving of $50- $250 to sustaining sponsorships of $100- $1,000 annually. When you become a sustaining mini-grant sponsor, grant recipients will be required to acknowledge your contributions and your business will be regularly acknowledged in the Arts Council’s monthly newsletter—and you will feel great knowing you were directly involved in helping to sustain our rich arts community. For more information visit our website or come to one of our socials.

The Cedar City Arts Council is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing the arts in Iron County. Our mission is to foster a thriving arts community in Iron County through advocacy, appreciation, education, and support. The organization is completely volunteer-run, all of the funds CCAC receives through donations or memberships are used to help the arts thrive in this community.

Mini Grant Sponsors Welcome

Your Cedar City Arts Council has provided 10 Years of Mini-Grants and we would like to help more individual artists and arts organizations.

Each mini-grant is up to $500 and the next deadline is Feb. 28.  We are hoping to increase the number awarded and your help would be greatly appreciated.  Partial sponsorships also welcome.

To sponsor a mini-grant please contact us at cedarcityartscouncil@gmail.com.

Sponsorships and donations always welcome:

Cedar City Arts Council 
P.O. Box 2655
Cedar City, UT 84721
Mini grant application available at Application form and information

Meet Iron County Artists at CCAC Fall Social


CEDAR CITY, UT: The Cedar City Arts Council is excited to host a public Fall Social to give community members an opportunity to become acquainted with some of our local Iron County artists. The Cedar City Arts Council Fall Social will be held on Monday, November 5, 7 p.m. at the Heritage Center’s Festival Hall.  Enter by 2nd floor of parking garage or through office and upstairs.  Free and you are invited.

The Arts Award for this year will be presented to Carol Ann Modesitt. She served as president of CCAC and helped with restarting the group as well as obtaining non-profit status.  She has served Cedar City Music Arts and continues to lead the opera program at SUU.  Her students have succeeded nationally and internationally as performers and teachers.

The Cedar City Arts Council Socials are held three times a year and are meant to showcase and celebrate some of the artists who have received mini-grants from the Cedar City Arts Council. Live music, art displays, and reports on the use of mini-grant funds are just some of the exciting events you can expect to find at these fun-filled networking social opportunities.

The Fall Social will feature music and art displays by Steven Swift, a local musician and artist who was the recipient of a Cedar City Arts Council mini-grant in 2018. Influenced by rockin’ blues, free-form jam bands, and fingerpicking guitar, Swift creates music and art in a unique style that feels familiar but looks and sounds like nothing you have seen or heard before.

Stephanie Watters Flores, also a recent recipient of a Cedar City Arts Council mini-grant, is an artist and owner of AE&D Art Studio. Flores will provide an art demonstration and discuss some of the opportunities available through the studio, which includes art classes, workshops, private lessons, and an array of equipment and supplies intended to help and encourage creative individuals to express themselves through visual art and design.

Also featured will be musical selections played by talented members of the Suzuki Strings Cedar City program and art displays by local artists Debbie Drake, Alexa Harding, and others.

The Cedar City Arts Council has been a strong advocate for the arts in Iron County since the 1980’s and has sponsored a variety of community music and arts events including a long running Arts Festival, the monthly Final Friday Art Walk event, and the tri-annual Cedar City Arts Council Social. The group is currently celebrating ten years of helping to support local artists through their highly popular mini-grant program and they are excited to share the celebration with you at the Fall Social.

The Cedar City Arts Council Fall Social event is free and open to everyone. Refreshments will be provided by JaNell Wood of Palette Bakery.


WHO:  The Cedar City Arts Council

WHAT:  Fall Public Social

WHEN:  November 5th, 2018 at 7 p.m.

WHERE:  Heritage Theater’s Festival Hall Conference Room in Cedar City, Utah.

Free and public invited

Carol Ann and Leland Modesitt at OSU event.

Mini-grant applications due Aug. 31

Application and information under support on website at https://www.cedarcityartscouncil.org/support/quick-grants/  Grants for up to $500 available for individual artists and arts groups.  Priority to public service art projects.

Artist Mini-Grant Applications are due on August 31st, 2018
By Shay Baruffi

CEDAR CITY, UTAH: The Cedar City Arts Council encourages individual artists and arts organizations to apply for the Artists’ Mini-Grants Awards due August 31st, 2018. The grant application and more information is available at: http://www.cedarcityartscouncil.org/support/quick-grants/.
Past projects have included funding for: scholarships for art classes, lighting equipment for acoustic presenters, patriotic program, easel for a local artist, financial support for a string bass case, music for the children’s choir, registration for art workshops, money to help non-RAP groups pay for a venue rental, and many more projects. The Cedar City Arts Council works to promote and support local art and artists and arts organizations.

Mini-grant funds may be used to purchase supplies or equipment and rent displays or performance venues. Funding may be applied to support mileage or registration costs to attend educational conferences or training sessions, purchase promotional advertising, or other needs as revealed in the grant application. Our goal is to broaden our cultural landscape through unusual, unique, and innovative ideas, events, and projects. We appreciate ideas that have a positive connection to the community and a demonstrable benefit for the Cedar City/Iron County public.

It is useful to include samples of previous work with the application. The Cedar City Arts Council Grants Committee reviews the applications and is pleased to offer several grants each cycle. Members of the Cedar City Arts Council help fund this project with their memberships to increase the artist offerings of our area. Membership information is available at: http://www.cedarcityartscouncil.org/support/membership/.

The mini-grant program started in 2008 and has resulted in the allocation of $38,404.00 according to Mary Anne Andersen, CCAC Board Member. “Original grantees such as In Jubilo have become successful enough that they now qualify for the RAP (Recreation, Arts, Parks) funds rather than CCAC funds,” said Sara Penny, CCAC VP. The women’s choir performed at the recent CCAC Social celebrating ten years of the mini-grant program.

The Cedar City Arts Council is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing the arts in Iron County. Our mission is to foster a thriving arts community in Iron County through advocacy, appreciation, education, and support. The organization is completely volunteer-run, all of the funds CCAC receives through donations or memberships are used to help the arts thrive in this community.

(Mini grant history at the end of the previous post).